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English 11H: Voices Unheard: Project Possibilities

Class + Project

English 11H:

Voices Unheard

Informal Research

Informal Research Directions

Review events and people who have not been widely covered in standard curricula. Which one/s stand out to you? What do you think needs to be better addressed? If there's an event or person not on this list that you think would be appropriate for this project - speak to your teacher.

How to Do Informal Research

Spoiler Alert:

This is when you're allowed to use Google.

The purpose of informal research is to be FAST. With a project like this, you're going to be interested/engaged/curious about a person or event... or not. This is NOT the time for the deep dive. Get the basics and try other people and events to land on what's going to help you be most successful on this project.

Will you be using the illustrious Google or Wikipedia for your actual research?


Research Possibilities


Historical Figures Events                   
  • Cesar Chavez
  • Fannie Lou Hamer
  • Harvey Milk
  • Ella Baker
  • Juliette Hampton Morgan
  • Ida B. Wells
  • Newton Knight
  • Aiko Herzig Yoshinaga
  • Hiram Rhodes Revels
  • Joseph Rainey
  • Shirley Chisholm
  • Richard Aoki
  • Henrietta Lacks
  • Ada Lovelace
  • Charles Hamilton Houston
  • Brad Lomax
  • Mitsuye Endo
  • Anita Hill
  • Katherine Johnson
  • Sarah Winnemucca
  • Josephine Baker
  • Ludlow Massacre
  • Tulsa Massacre
  • Zoot Suit Riots
  • Georgia Law takes Cherokee Land (Dec. 1828)
  • Downes vs. Bidwell (Status of Puerto Rico)
  • Executive Order 9981
  • Operation Wetback
  • Activists "invade" Kaho'olawe (Jan 6 1976)
  • Loving vs. Virginia
  • Stonewall Riots
  • Rodney King Riots
  • The Upstairs Lounge Fire

Additional Resources: