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English 11: One Big Change: Foundations + Solutions

English 11:

One Big Change

Foundations + Solutions

Finish Foundations Research

Using yesterday's expectations - finish any outstanding foundations and background research

Possible Solutions

During your research, you have probably found solutions already in play to address the issue.

You can research one of those solutions further and argue why that solution needs to be used more widely to address the issue


Create a new or expanded solution that you can argue using research as to why this new solution should be tried

Use the following database list if you need more options to research!


You may continue to only use Gale if it is still working for you

Database Passwords


Database Passwords

Research Reading Techniques

When searching and garnering many results:

  • Read the titles
  • Read any blurbs
  • Do those two things automatically count some out?
  • If there are still many results, either consider changing the time frame and making it more recent and/or making your search term more specific

How to decide if the source is one you want to use:

  • Read the first paragraph
  • Read any headings
  • Read the last paragraph
  • It will be one of the following:
    • Solid - you're going to read it all or most of it and most likely use it
    • Unsure, but possible - you're going to save the link for just in case and see if there's something better
    • Absolutely not - great, you haven't blown a whole lot of time - find a new option

Book Catalog

You can always search our library for a book!

Use the following link to navigate to the Catalog and type in your issue in the search bar
