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English 11: One Big Change: Home

English 11:

One Big Change

Essential Questions

  • How can we ensure we learn about significant and current issues?
  • How do I find appropriate, relevant, and credible resources to research these issues and possible solutions?

Project Goals


  • Use strong resources for research
  • Use the research to create a strong overview of the issue and argue a possible solution
  • Transfer research notes into an engaging presentation, both in visual and verbal formats


One Big Change:

Research-Based Project


  • To identify and conduct research using a variety of multimedia 21st-century sources on a problem of personal interest in American society that you would like to solve

  • To generate research questions and search terms to find effective sources of information

  • To evaluate information for relevance and support for a purpose

  • To learn bibliography research skills, including how to format an MLA works cited


  • Throughout your research, you will keep track of your notes and sources in NoodleTools
  • Your Final Project Assessment will be a combined grade of an  MLA-formatted Speech, Slide Deck & an In-Class Presentation


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Contact the Librarians


Lisa Koch & Morgan Popma