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Geosystems: Solar System Project: Class Guide Home

Class Topic Title

Geosystems: Solar System Project

Essential Questions

Essential Questions:

  • How do I find and use credible and reliable sources for research?
  • What are the differences between MLA and APA citation styles?

Today's POG Skills

Today's Portrait of a Graduate Skills:



Solar System PowerPoint Project

Each partner group will create a Slideshow on something in the Solar System. Here are the requirements for the PowerPoint with some good starting points:

  1. An opening slide, including the names of the team members and your planetary body

  2. Origin of the name of your planetary object

  3. Some characteristics of your planetary object (use Earth Units)

    1. Orbital period (revolution period)

    2. Period of Rotation (the length of a day on your object)

    3. Mass

    4. Diameter

    5. Average Distance from the Sun (in miles and AU’s)

    6. Mean Density (if applicable) 

    7. Surface Gravity (if applicable) 

    8. Composition (terrestrial or gas giant)

  4. Does the object have moons or other bodies orbiting it? If so, how many? Any with notable names or significance? 

  5. Does it have an atmosphere? What is its atmospheric composition?

  6. Can it support life? Why or why not?

  7. Is there anything special about the object (it has water, it is really hot/cold, has a 1000s of years long storm, it rotates really weird/fast, etc.)

  8. Three interesting facts about your planetary object

  9. Summary slide - What are the key takeaways from your presentation?

  10. A closing slide with your sources in APA format


  1. Mercury

  2. Venus

  3. Earth

  4. Mars

  5. Jupiter

  6. Saturn

  7. Uranus

  8. Neptune

  9. Pluto (dwarf planet)

  10. Comets and the Oort Cloud

  11. Titan (One of Saturn’s moons)

  12. Kuiper Belt

  13. Asteroid Belt

  14. Ganymede (One of Jupiter’s moons)

You will have one class session to prepare your PowerPoint!

Link to rubric


Today's Goals

Today I will...

  • research my planetary body using databases and proper citation 

So I can... 

  • ensure I am using reliable and credible sources while giving credit

I know I've got it when...

  • I have taken notes from databases, created in-text citations for those notes, and APA citations in NoodleTools

Notetaking Document

One person opens this document and makes a copy, sharing with: your groupmates, Mr. Persinger, Mr. Boyce, and Ms. Popma

Notetaking Document



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