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Philosophy: Class Guide Home


Project Goals

Mission: In your group, research the theme you have chosen and produce an overarching presentation.

Philosophy Themes: Ancient, Eastern, Western, Political, Age of Enlightenment, Logic and Scientific Method, Modern/Contemporary

Research + Commentary Goals

Commentary on the Following Concepts:

  • Events leading to the creation of the philosophy
  • Key figures in the creation of the philosophy
  • Philosophical/Political/Spiritual/Mystical motivations for the founding
  • Geographically significant characteristics that influenced the founding.
  • Goals when created vs. goals today
  • Principles, tenets, and the significance/message/mission of the philosophy
  • Social situation/impetus at the founding – unity/disunity
  • Growth of thought. Organic, coercive, inspired, imitated?
  • Inspiration/Continuity/Failure of the philosophy – what keeps it going or not?
  • Key components to remember

Today's Goals

Today I will...

  • research key events, figures and motivations around a philosophical theme

So I can... 

  • consider the ongoing importance and inspirations of philosophy in the modern day

I know I've got it when...

  • I can engage in thoughtful conversation with my group, culminating in producing both group and individual commentary about our/my theme



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Lisa Koch & Morgan Popma