All Things Money Choice Board
After reading, run some numbers using this online compounding interest calculator.
After watching the video and running a few numbers can you envision starting a savings plan in the near future? (Lucky you! You have time on your side. Take advantage of it! Even though you may only be able to save $50 dollars a month with your first job or in your early twenties, think of all that time doing the heavy lifting.) |
Read “How to Build a College Budget” or pages 15-21 of Want more financial tips? Read I want more Pizza.
Napkin Finance - Budget |
Read “Five Ways to Cope with Money Stress and Improve your Finances”
Read 7 Key Traits of People Who Are Debt-Free
Open 1 of the following databases:
Then, explore 3 or more careers you are interested in, paying attention to
After reviewing 3 careers, which of the ones that you researched seemed most interesting to you? Why? |
Read “How your Romantic Attachment Style Affects your Finances, Well-being”
There are many ways to think outside the box when it comes to financing your education! Explore these two links as a starting point. Then, plan to reach out to Ms. Shaw in the Career Center this Spring and early next Fall.
Last year’s graduating class was awarded millions in scholarship money! However, the graduating class actively sought out and applied for those scholarships and you can too! Here’s what you need to get started. Explore. Then reach out to Ms. Shaw in the Career Center.
There is a college debt crisis in America. This crisis effects college graduates and also students at technical and online schools. Get informed now and be smart about paying for your education! Watch video linked here and then and reach out to Ms. Shaw for when you need assistance. |