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AP Human Geography: Least Developed Country Aid Recommendations: Research Resources

AP Human Geography:

Aid Proposal

Research Resources

Database Sources


Database Passwords

Issue to Explore when Assessing

Effective Use & Distribution of US Aid to a Country in Need


General Sources on Current U.S. Aid Distribution

Unit 1: Map Skills & Geographic Concepts

Database Picks:

Unit 2: Population & Immigration

Unit 3: Cultural Patterns & Processes

Database Picks:

Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

Database Pick: Political Science Complete

Unit 5: Agricultural and Land Use Patterns and Processes

Database Picks:

  • ABC-CLIO Geography
  • CultureGrams 

Unit 6: Cities and Land Use Patterns and Processes

Database Pick: ABC-CLIO Geography

Unit 7: Industrial Development Patterns and Processes







Want to learn more about how economists study the effectiveness of aid in developing countries?  Listen to the podcast below:

Planet Money Podcast "How randomized trials and the town of Busia, Kenya changed economics."