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Hour of Code 2023: Code Tutorials

Hour of Code @ McLean High School

December 1-10, 2023

Participate in the Hour of Code

Step 1: Watch the video and learn about the hour of code


Step 2:Choose and do one of the Hour of Code Programs (optional: pair up to solve challenges together)

Step 3: Complete Reflection & Response google form on this page.

Forgot your computer OR need help??  BUDDY UP with a neighbor

Extension: Learn to program voice A.I. with Amazon's Alexa Skill's Inventor


Today's Portrait of a Graduate Skills:


Communicator: I use technology to explore ideas.



Goal-Directed & Resilient: I persevere through difficult tasks and overcome challenges.

Step # 2: Choose Tutorial & Code 

Hour of Code Programs: Choose your favorite & get started!

Play games below while learning code.  No experience necessary!  

Animate a Name

(available en espanol)

Dance Party

(translations available)

Code a new Dance Party to share. This year' includes music by Lil Nas X, Panic! At the Disco, Shawn Mendes, Jonas Brothers, Pedro Capo, Nicki Minaj, & more!

Eco Warriors #Trashtag

app lab

App Lab

(translations available)

Create your own app in JavaScript using blocks or text that you can share with your friends or publish to a public gallery.

If you've already done some coding with blocks, take your skills to the next level.

More comfortable coding in another language?  

Translations available!

  • La Hora de Código en Español​

  • giờ mã ở việt

  • کوڈ کے گھنٹے

It's easy: scroll down to the bottom of the tutorial and there's a drop down for languages!

Feeling Inspired? 

Ready for a bigger challenge?
alexa skills inventor

Learn to program voice A.I. with Amazon's Alexa Skill's Inventor.  New to coding?  No problem--instructions are available in program. 

Step # 3: Google Form