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EPF Shark Tank: Class Guide Home

Economics / Personal Finance:

Shark Tank

Essential Questions

Essential Questions:

  • How do I research a country's resources, infrastructure, and economic and political landscape?
  • What are the social and cultural influences on a country?
  • How do these factors impact potential business interests?

Today's POG Skills

Today's Portrait of a Graduate Skills:

goal oriented and resilientcommunicatorCollaborator

Today's Goals

Today I will...

  • Research my chosen country’s natural/human resources, infrastructure, political and economic landscape as well as any social/cultural influences and evaluate how all of those factors will impact potential business interests there.

So I can... 

  • Convince a foreign business to invest capital resources in my country.

I know I've got it when...

  • Can successfully “pitch” to my classmates.



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Lisa Koch & Morgan Popma