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English 10H: Satire: Research Resources

English 10 Honors: Satire

Research Resources

Opposing Viewpoints

Strong Databases to Begin

The following two databases are on issues and they breakdown the issue into two-ish sides. This is a GREAT place to begin! There are tons of resources on both that really breakdown the issue and give multiple perspectives on what is happening and what solutions are in play.

Current Issues Databases

Continuing the Research Databases

In this section are current event databases and below this section are Science specific databases.

Science Databases

Science Databases

Database Information

Databases: You will need this if you are not on a school-issued device and/or at home if you need to continue your research there.

Databases: A-Z

Database Passwords

Research Tips

Research Tips:

Take time to do background reading to develop your overall understanding of your subject, before attempting to digest the scholarly sources.  Even if you do not use the source as a research source, understand terms before diving in to the deep stuff.

Before reading an entire article and finding out that it is terrible for your research purposes, read the first and last paragraphs. Are they solid for what you need? Great, read it all. Possibly good for your purposes? Save the link and read later if there is a need or time. It doesn't fit your needs at all? Don't waste the reading time.

Save all links as you read. Be organized in your notetaking. Use your in-text citations wisely.

Think about search terms! Teens vs Teenager vs High School vs Adolescents may all garner different results. Keep a list of what language you are using to search!



News Databases

News Databases

Library Book Catalog



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Lisa Koch & Morgan Popma