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English 10 Modern Genocide Unit: Annotated Bibliography

English 10 : Historical Genocide Research Unit

Annotated Bibliography

The Document


Definition of an Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is an alphabetized Works Cited list (created in NoodleTools) in which each citation includes a concise, well-written paragraph.

Three Components of the Annotation

  1. Source Information:

    1. Research and explain the author’s (or authors’ if more than one) educational background and current qualifications as an expert on the chosen topic.

    2. If no author, state credibility of the organization/website/database.  The About-Us link should give the purpose or mission of the website.

    3. If a website, use the SIFT evaluation

    4. 2-3 sentences

  2. Purpose and Summary:

    1. What is the main focus or purpose of your source?

    2. What pertinent information was explored?

    3. 4-6 sentences clearly stating the focus, information, and organization of the article or chapter.

  3. Evaluation & Reflection:

    1. Write about a statement, fact, or idea from your reading that provided insight into your genocide. (2 sentences minimum)

    2. Was your source biased?  If so, in what way? (1 sentence minimum)

    3. Explain how you will use this article to help you write your informational paper on the genocide you are researching. (1-2 sentences)

Part 1

Part 1: Format and Expectations

     1. Grammar Rules for the Annotation

     2. Write in the present tense

               Ex 1:  “This article discusses…”  

               Ex 2:  “The author supports…”

               Ex 3:  “This book gives a detailed account of…”

      3. Write in the 3rd person

   Ex: “The information about historical context will be useful in explaining the origins of the conflict” rather than “We will uste       this to explain the origins…”

     4..   Number of Annotated Entries

  1. There needs to be at least three (3) bibliographic citations, regardless of the number of students in your group. If you have four students, you need 4 entries. If you have two students, you still need three entries. 

  2. For each citation, you need an annotated entry that follows expectations