Human Geography: Immigration Aid Project |
Immigration Aid Project
Immigration Aid - Help migrants in need choose their path!
Part 1 - Presentation in the form of an engaging slide presentation
Task 1: Each group of 3 participants will choose an immigration starting point from the following: Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Haiti, Myanmar, Guatemala, Nigeria, Belarus, India, China
Task 2: Establish and describe the likely cause(s) for the migration attempt/effort.
Status: Refugee? Asylum? Voluntary? Involuntary? Political? Economic? Climate?
Task 3: Choose 4 destination countries from 3 or more of the following zones 1) Americas, 2) Europe, 3) Asia, 4) Africa, 5) Oceania **Map the movement**
Task 4: Assess your potential destinations to find the likely or best fit:
Economic Stability
Human Infrastructure - Housing, Health Care, Education
Integration Services -Language Training, Job Programs, Housing
Permanent Residency and Naturalization Process
Presence of Immigrant Communities
Human Rights History - is this a likely long term solution?
**Use images to demonstrate the change**
Task 5: Once your data has been compiled, prepare a comparison slide presentation to present to class showing the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each destination.
Your presentation should include:
An introduction of your immigrant scenario including conditions.
Likely motivations for moving
Criteria for the immigrant in choosing their destinations
Requirements of the receiving state.
Comparison chart
Does your migration path follow Ravenstein’s laws of migration? Why or why not?
Task 6: Final destination choice and why
Part 2
Write Up - Prepare a 3-4 page explanation of your ideal choice given the character profile of the immigration scenario. Your write up is a formal paper explaining your conclusions and should include an introduction, evidence, and conclusion. All research must be noted with internal citations and an MLA works cited page/bibliography. No cover page is required. Papers may be written individually or as a group. Every member of the group must read and initial the final product. All group members will receive the same grade. Papers should be double spaced in Times New Roman font.
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Immigration Google slides
*Google slides are a concise and detailed summary of the current situation of the state that is emigrated from and countries they are immigrating to *Google slides are organized and easy understand *Google slides contain information from key vocabulary from Uni1 and 2. *Terms are all correct and used in detail *Google slides make a persuasive argument for which country is the ideal place to immigrate *Google slides contain visuals 3 or more
*Google slides are complete but at times superficial summary of the current situation of the states of emigration and immigration *Google slides are organized *Google slides contain information from units 1 and 2. *Google slides use key terms from most of the unit. Terms are mostly correct and used in detail *Google slides make a mostly persuasive argument for immgration with clear evidence to support the country choice *Google slides contain 1-2 visuals |
*Google slides are somewhat vague and lack a detailed summary of the current situation of the emigration and immigration flow of the *Google slides are mostly organized *Google slides contain information from only 1 unit *Google slides use key terms but some terms are incorrect *Google slides makes a somewhat persuasive argument for immigration with vague evidence to support immigration *Google slides contains one visual |
*Google slides are unclear and lack crucial information *Google slides are not organized *Google slides contain information that is mostly incorrect *Google slides do not use key terms from units. Terms are not correct *Google slides does not have a clear reason for immigration to a specific country *Google slides contains no visuals |
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Briefing Paper |
*Presents a clear explanation of the essential variables. *Offers a logical argument based on past, current, and projected viability for immigration to the chosen country and answers the question “Why This place?” *Presents data showing migration would provide a positive impact *Successfully argues that immigration to the chosen country would be the best choice. *Uses proper format: 12 font, 1 inch margins, MLA bibliography, internal citations |
*Presents a clear explanation but lacks an essential variable *Logic has minor flaws and does not offer a complete assessment of viability. *Data is somewhat incomplete or has minor errors *Argues for immigration but argument lacks some specificity * Minor formatting errors |
*Presents a sometime unclear argument that lacks an essential variable *Logic is occasionally flawed *Argument does not fully answer the question “Why this place?” and “What is the goal of immigration?” *Lacks sufficient data to support the argument for immigration. *Does not fully address long term viability and sustainability *formatting is generally correct |
*Presents a very limited explanation of the essential variables *Argument for immigration is incomplete or confusing *No supporting data presented *No formatting |