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Dream Adventure Project: Class Guide Home

Dream Adventure Project

Assignment Details

You and a friend have $15,000 to spend together on the travel adventure of a lifetime!!!


Your goal: Go to as many places, encounter as many cultures, attempt as many new experiences as you can with the budget you have. If you plan carefully you could have weeks of unforgettable travel.


Research Requirements: 

  1. You must travel to at least 5 countries.

  2. You must take part in at least 1 cultural activity (Cooking classes, festival participant, religious ceremony....) and one physical activity per country (Hike, Raft, Camel Ride…).

  3. You must be faced with a language barrier at least 2 times and have a plan to deal with it.

  4. You must have a budget for every aspect of your adventure - transportation, lodging, food, fees, visas,...all costs must be based on real world offers from credible sources (Kayak, Expedia - actual businesses that exist) - no guestimates!

  5. You must plot your adventure day by day in a calendar, being careful to plan travel days and layovers.


Important: Decide what kind of trip you want. Luxury is expensive and not always authentic. Consider Youth Hostels and low cost modes of transportation. 


Also Important: Long distance travel can be expensive to get there but cheap once you are there. Don’t use so much on flights that you are limited on the ground.


MORE IMPORTANT: You must assess the risks of your experience: social restrictions including clothing, religious issues, gender issues, food and water safety, available medical assistance, required items for your trip, weather conditions, insurance. Travel safely!


Presentation Requirements:

  1. Prepare a projected or physical brochure of your planned adventure - hand out or slide show.

  2. Display where you plan to go, why you chose to go there, and over what time frame.

  3. Present a calendar showing each day of your adventure.

  4. Delineate the activities you plan to participate in each day providing pictures for each.

  5. Present a detailed budget for your trip including the costs for each travel leg, lodging, activities, and food.

  6. Present the required preparation and gear you must bring for your trip.

  7. Offer an honest analysis of the risks involved in your trip and how you plan to mitigate them.


Note: Feel free to dream big!! 

$28,000 gets 7 countries in Africa over 8 weeks including a Sahara Camel Trek, Nile Cruise, and Botswana camping trip 

$25,000 gets you 7 weeks in Australia including Great Barrier Reef diving, Blue Mountain rappelling, Uluru, and Kangaroo Island

$18,000 gets you 6 weeks in Asia including 3 weeks China, 2 weeks Thailand, 1 week Cambodia

$15,000 gets you a 7 week European Tour to as many places your Eurail pass will take you.


Rubric: Dream travel Project







  • Contains a map of the route

  • Creates an engaging design that clearly explains the cultures that you will be visiting

  • Uses all of the $15,000

  • Includes a calendar of your daily adventures

  • Clearly explains how you will overcome your language barrier. 

  • Map of the route is partial

  • Brochure includes the information but it is relatively basic

  • Budget is not completely clear

  • Calendar is incomplete

  • Language barriers are not fully discussed

  • Map is unclear or incomplete

  • Brochure contains limited information

  • Budget is not accurate

  • Calendar is not accurate 

  • Language barriers are discussed in a limited way

  • Map is not accurate or not present

  • Brochure contains very limited or inaccurate information

  • Calendar is not present

  • Language barriers are not addressed


  • Gives insight into the cultures of the places you will visit

  • Engages with the audience

  • Includes some visual aid or activity that enhances the presentation

  • Presentation includes clear graphics and fonts that allow the audience to view the presentation

  • Completely answers questions posed by the class

  • Gives surface level insight

  • Engagement with the audience is uneven and at times perfunctory

  • Visual aid is engaging but does not enhance

  • Graphics are clear

  • Some questions are not fully answered

  • Gives limited insight with some errors

  • Speakers make limited attempts to engage the audience

  • Visual aid is basic

  • Graphics are small or difficult to see

  • Questions are only addressed in a limited way

  • Gives only very limited or incorrect information

  • Speakers are unengaging

  • Visual aid is not present

  • Questions are not answered


  • Includes an MLA bibliography

  • Trip includes research supported costs and concerns.  

  • Information is cited.

  • Includes MLA bibliography with minor errors

  • Trip research is not fully supported

  • Some citations are missing

  • MLA bibliography has errors

  • Trip research is basic

  • Some citation errors

  • MLA bibliography is not present

  • Trip research is incomplete

  • Citations are not present




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