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Eng 10 - Contemporary Poets: Identifying and Assessing Sources


English 10: Poetry Project

Identifying and Evaluating Sources

SIFT Video

SIFT Assessment for Online Resources

Research Tip

Tips on Source Analysis:

  • A note about authority:  No matter the type of source, you must identify who is responsible for the content, and determine their credentials, expertise and overall qualification as a recognized expert in the field.  Is the book or article written by a professor or other highly qualified individual?
  • Scholarly sources focus on particular aspects of topics in the field and develop deep analysis based on research.
  • Who is doing the publishing? If you can't find an author, you must find who is publishing and still ensure the credibility.

"S" = Stop



When choosing a source from a list of search results consider:

  • Are any of the results for profit?

  • Which source is best fit for you?  

  • Which one is from a familiar and trusted source?

Before you read, share or use a source, STOP!

  • Do you know and trust the source?

  • When viewing a source, how do you feel?

Caution: If a source is playing on you emotions, look more carefully!

The purpose of this source is…


"I" = Investigate



Taking sixty seconds to figure out where the source is from before reading will help you decide if it is worth your time and if it is trustworthy.

  • Who is behind the information?  

    • What can you find out about the website?

    • What can you learn about the author? Google them.

      • Do they have authority in the area?

      • Would the author’s assessment be biased?

        • What's the evidence?

Use lateral reading. Go beyond the 'About Us' section on the organization's website and see what other, trusted sources say about the source.​ You can use Google or Wikipedia to investigate the source.

When I googled the author I learned…


When I googled the website/journal/publishing house I learned…


Resources for Analyzing Sources

SIFT Infographic

Resources for Analyzing Sources

SIFT Handout

Reminder: Use SIFT to ensure your sources are credible and reliable.  You should perform the "S & I" steps for all sources.